Saturday 29 May 2021



Every rendezvous with you is like living a million happy moments in just a single day.


Friday 28 May 2021


 Some people are destined to seek pleasure in their emptiness and owe no expectation to anyone except to the tender heart that always says "YE DIL MANGE MORE"

Phrases like Isolation, Social Distancing and Lockdown may be alien to the world before the advent of Pandemic but for few people like me, it is a part and parcel of their life. I have always been perspicacious when it comes to my ideologies and principles. If you try to look at life from my spectacles, the view you get is a blurred one, as the lens which is suitable for me may not be suitable for you. And when someone asks me to come out of my comfort zone and act normal, I smile and feel that SOMETIMES IT IS ABSOLUTLY NORMAL TO BE ABNORMAL.  What is normal and what is abnormal is a debatable question. What I find normal may be abnormal for others and vise versa. Nature has given every individual some characteristics which are inherent in them and that cannot be changed no matter how much you try. It is a stupidity to try and live on the terms and conditions set by others. 

A novel, a hot cup of coffee, a comfy bed and a pleasant weather is the best companion to be with when one feels low. Sometimes I feel that my peculiar choices are the reason that has always enamored the most beautiful souls that are in my life and I have always made best efforts to establish a good rapport with them. Ordinary people are often baulked when they come across someone with some unique notions about life but a connoisseur of knowledge will  always admire it.

We have always been taught that 'Man is a Social Animal' but in my opinion this phrase is outdated now. Socialization is temporary. it is a misconception that people heal when they socialize but the fact is that when a person discovers himself from within he becomes immune to all kinds of stress and anxiety and thus starts loving himself for who he actually is. This gives him a seraphic feel. But this doesn't happen overnight. It takes years of hardships, struggle and sacrifice to reach this level.

Expectations are the root cause of suffering and the people who live without expectations find peace. And in order to program the mind to be empty and free from expectations, a person needs to possess immense patience which cannot be attained in ordinary circumstances but by evolving through the tests of time. How long can you complain or argue pointing the fault of others? it is better to remain the way you are and then everything which is in your favor comes to you and the rest departs. Everything gets naturally filtered. The vicissitude in the thoughts of people emerge when they enter into the world of realization. 

 As Saint Kabir has rightly said:  Bura jo sekhan mai chala .... Bura na mileya koye.... Jo dil khoja aapna.... mujhse bura na koye.

When I look back at the journey of my life, I simply feel proud to have come this far after winning thousands of smaller and greater battles and that makes me exclaim -"Thank You Misfortunes for giving me all the strength and confidence that I have to endure any kind of hardships in life."


Dhanam moolam idam jagat is a sanskrit proverb meaning the whole world revolves around money. No war can be fought on empty stomach.