Wednesday 29 June 2022

Dhanam moolam idam jagat is a sanskrit proverb meaning the whole world revolves around money. No war can be fought on empty stomach.

Are professional ethics important?

Many fresh law graduates take practicing law for a ride. A lot of them drastically lack work ethics.  They still are unable of come out of the comfort zone where schools and parents kept mollycoddling them and thus they lack the experience of the harsh realities of the business world.

The irony is that some tend to take 1 hour break after 30 minutes of work😀. But no workplace can afford such luxury and that's the reason most fresh interns are fired after few months of internship and Seniors swear on taking only experienced ones. 

In my very limited experience, I have observed that fresh law graduates are capable to produce just 3 hours of productive work per day when 8 hours is the requirement. Beyond that if they are forced to work, they only deliver crap, to be very honest. 

And there are some professionals from the same batch who work with sheer focus and determination. But unfortunately they are relatively rare.

However, the school of hard knocks ultimately teaches them that if they are struggling to submit college projects with 3 months deadline and resorting to plagiarism, then thry have a very hard time waiting for them in the professional world.

Remember, no matter how smart and intelligent you are and how cool degrees you have, lack of professional ethics will absolutely destroy you in the professional world.


#professional #workethics #professionalethics #litigation #lawyers

Sunday 26 June 2022

10 Ways To Succeed In Life

There is no lemon so sour that you can't make something resembling a lemonade !! Sounds abstract right? 

Well, here are some Key takeaways from the harsh surprises that life offered to me🥰 and in that process I learnt these lessons that might help someone who is trying to find answers from life. 

1. Patience is the key, if you lose out on it, you become a bottleneck of your own progress.

2. Keep looking out for opportunities, you never know which door may lead to finding out what you were looking for so long.

3. Fake it until you make it is an outdated concept. Action speaks louder than words is a practical approach that takes you to great heights of success.

4. Don't underestimate the power of hope and positive attitude. Never give up on your dreams.

5. Avoid negative people, free advisors and hypocrites. They are gonna pull you down. Remember if you keep company of eagles, you will become an eagle. This is mirror - effect theory.

6. To become an expert in something you are passionate about is not a rocket science. Trust yourself even when the whole world criticizes you. Remember, it is obvious for legends to have critics around. And constructive criticism is very helpful.

7. Dont confine yourself to a single formula accepted by others. If Formula A works for Mr. John, Formula Z works for Mr. James. Strategize your moves on your set of formulas. 

8. When you say ‘Yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘No’ to yourself.

9. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

10. We cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Last but not the least, I would like to quote 
"If you have the true desire to achieve something, then the whole universe conspires to get it done for you"

"Agar tum kisi cheez ko puri shidatt se chaho... Toh puri kaayenaat tumko us se milane meh jud jaati hai"



I have often come across Advocates who call themselves as Juniors of some Advocates. 

I personally believe that employing the terminology "Junior" we tend to hinder various opportunities that might be coming our way. 

Although, I don't intend to mean that one must not respect experience and seniority, but calling oneself a Junior Advocate is something I personally don't believe in. I am either someone's "Associate" or "Colleague" and this in my humble opinion is the opinion an Advocate must reflect with all the humility and willingness to learn.

Ram Jethmalani would frown upon fellow lawyers addressing him as "Sir" and if it's coming from someone like Ram, we must understand its paramountcy.


#lawyers #advocates #litigationlawyer #litigation

Dhanam moolam idam jagat is a sanskrit proverb meaning the whole world revolves around money. No war can be fought on empty stomach.