Saturday 27 November 2021

Do Gifts Really Matter?

Well, that is indeed a positive thing! I think I'm qualified to answer this question because I recently celebrated my birthday. 

Gifts are extremely important to me, and I make sure to have plenty of them on hand for any celebration, but it's especially true of my birthday. Gifting doesn't necessitate squandering time and money on unnecessary purchases. Giving a gift is a small gesture that shows that you care about the people in your life.

When I receive a gift, I feel like a princess. Sometimes it is necessary to make someone feel special by giving them something of your own choice or perhaps something that brings a wide smile to their face. If not a flower or a leaf, then perhaps a small toy or even a tight hug will do. It's just a game of expressing your care for them 

and I guarantee that the recipient will not only feel special but will miss your love every time they make a wish because of this royal treatment.

You don't need to be a millionaire to have a special place in someone's heart, but you do need to make small efforts to make them feel that way.

With your tiniest effort, show how much you care about your loved ones.



In today's world, where people are obsessed with brands and wearing expensive branded clothing sets a person apart, I have a completely different notion. Brands, in my opinion, are created by people, and not the other way round.

Wearing branded clothing and products gives the impression that one is a celebrity, but this is far from the truth. When a famous person wears a low-cost product, it instantly becomes a brand name, but when a beggar wears an expensive brand, its value plummets.

So what I'm trying to say is, we must concentrate on building our own identity.

Be so well-known that your clothing becomes a trademark. If you want to know who you are, don't look to anyone else; your brand is already defined by you.


Dhanam moolam idam jagat is a sanskrit proverb meaning the whole world revolves around money. No war can be fought on empty stomach.