Saturday 27 November 2021


In today's world, where people are obsessed with brands and wearing expensive branded clothing sets a person apart, I have a completely different notion. Brands, in my opinion, are created by people, and not the other way round.

Wearing branded clothing and products gives the impression that one is a celebrity, but this is far from the truth. When a famous person wears a low-cost product, it instantly becomes a brand name, but when a beggar wears an expensive brand, its value plummets.

So what I'm trying to say is, we must concentrate on building our own identity.

Be so well-known that your clothing becomes a trademark. If you want to know who you are, don't look to anyone else; your brand is already defined by you.



Dhanam moolam idam jagat is a sanskrit proverb meaning the whole world revolves around money. No war can be fought on empty stomach.